Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Amazing shuttle---Media not reporting the real story

Imagine what it would be like if the national & local media harped on all of the advantage of the reusable spacecraft like the shuttle plus the RMS, emu, airlock, large payload bay plus the 30 years experience we have with the system as compared to what the cots ( space x, Dreamchaser, etc) capabilities are. Re comparison on
Also, the amount of funds that have been wasted. Additionally, we could properly support ISS & service Hubble.

Citizens, we must get the media to cover this material. Get your friends to raise hell with media & spread the word. Set up blogs--free on google!

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Monday, March 10, 2014

Better get libs out !!!

As mark stein stated today, are we entering a permanent level of unemployment & food stamps plus illegals with no money to pay for benefits?? It WILL NOT work. We must get libs out & that will require voting for lesser of two evils as a caller on Herman Cain stated she would not do.

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