Saturday, June 29, 2013
Brazil Might Be Worth Investing In, If You Have a Strong Stomach
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Thursday, June 27, 2013
Fwd: For Those Who Are Interested In Truth
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Date: June 27, 2013 1:23:49 PM GMT-06:00
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For Those Who Are Interested In Truth
In a time of universal deceit -
telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George OrwellLiving in fairytale land is easy. The art of denial is ruling human consciousness and that is understandable for those who do not want a clear idea of the future. Most people are actually terrible at foreseeing the future allowing it to come up from behind. We have our own little realities to deal with as well as the collective reality of our culture and civilization, which crosses national boundaries after decades of globalization.
The future is hurling itself at us like a high speed express train. The truth of the future is a combination of outside factors like Nature, which are mostly out of our control. Add to that our own skills of perception and creativity leading to our own personal life manifestation. And then there is the collective, which is dominated by the rich and powerful and what they are willing into existence for themselves at the expense of everyone else.
What seems to spook people now is the possibility
that everybody in charge of everything is a
fraud or a crook. Legitimacy has left the system.
James Howard KuntslerThe first and most basic answer to the world's problems is the truth. Not subjective relative truth but truth itself. All solutions to all problems lie in the truth of the problem. In the truth is the solution. Without the truth we are lost, swimming in a sea of contradictions and arguments. Without truth we have untruths, lies, deception, and a sea of pain.
The absolute nature of truth is distasteful to those who embrace the subjective nature of perception. For most objectivity actually ceases to exist. Objective truths exist independent of our subjective natures and our opinions and beliefs about things. We can believe whatever we want and as passionately as we please but believing something is so does not necessarily make it so, though it is true that lies become truth to people who believe in the absolute truth of their beliefs.
It is one thing to show a man that he is in an error,
and another to put him in possession of truth.
John LockeIf you are a person of truth and you hear the truth it kind of excites you. With everyone else it disturbs them plenty because they are self-righteously set in their ways, stubborn, inflexible, selfish, and unwilling to change. Such people want to get rid of anyone who proclaims the truth because any such truth becomes like a thorn in their side, a thorn to be pulled and discarded with distaste. The truth, if we are not living it, is almost unbearable to hear.
All the world's religions are in conflict with the collective for by their very nature they tend to create separations not one whole sense of humanity. Krishnamurti once said, "To love anything beautiful in a country is normal and natural, but when that love is used by exploiters in their own interest it is called nationalism. Nationalism is fanned into imperialism, and then the stronger people divide and exploit the weaker, with the Bible in one hand and a bayonet in the other. The world is dominated by the spirit of cunning, ruthless exploitation, from which war must ensue. This spirit of nationalism is the greatest stupidity."
The Future Truth is Here Already
The spirit of war on earth at this time is the most basic evil on our planet. In today's world with nuclear weapons almost everywhere we are playing Russian roulette in the Middle East especially in Syria where it seems WWIII has already started with foreign powers increasingly being drawn in.
"Deleveraging Everywhere," said Stifel Nicolaus. "No one knows how it will end but we do know this; it all comes at once," says Peter Kenny, chief market strategist at Knight Capital. If the Federal Reserve does not intervene soon and allows the bond bubble, which it has deliberately created, to burst, we are going to see unprecedented carnage in the world. Last week, the yield on 5 year U.S. Treasuries rose by an astounding 37 percent. That was the largest increase in 50 years and if this keeps up it will be taps for the world economy and for most people who depend on the system for their bearings.
"Global financial markets are now in a very perilous state, and there is a much higher than normal chance of a crash. Bernanke's recent statement revealed just how large a role speculation had played in the prices of nearly everything, and now there is a mad dash for cash taking place all over the world. The early stage of any liquidity crisis is a mad dash for cash, especially by all of the leveraged speculators. Anything that can be sold is sold. As I scan the various markets, all I can find is selling. Stocks, commodities, and equities are all being shed at a rapid pace, and that's the first clue that we are not experiencing sector rotation or other artful portfolio-dodging designed to move out of one asset class into another (say, from equities into bonds). The increasing number of flashing indicators warning that a 2008-style – but worse – sell-off is arriving. We say "worse" because this time it looks like it will be accompanied by a vicious cycle of rising interest rates. Plus, governments and central banks have used up all of their major options already. There are no more white knights to hope for," writes Chris Martenson.
John Rubino writes, "They've been playing with fire for such a long time, trying to balance incompatible goals of low interest rates, stable currencies and accelerating growth, that for a while they almost believed that they would get away with it, that the laws of economics could be bent to their will forever. Now they see that this was hubris, that their sense of control was just an illusion bought with credit on a scale so large that the numbers had become meaningless."
The Economic Collapse Blog writes, "Do you want to know the primary reason why rapidly rising interest rates could take down the entire global financial system? Most people might think that it would be because the U.S. government would have to pay much more interest on the national debt. And yes, if the average rate of interest on U.S. government debt rose to just 6 percent (and it has actually been much higher in the past), the federal government would be paying out about a trillion dollars a year just in interest on the national debt. But that isn't it. Nor does the primary reason have to do with the fact that rapidly rising interest rates would impose massive losses on bond investors. At this point, it is being projected that if U.S. bond yields rise by an average of 3 percentage points, it will cause investors to lose a trillion dollars. Yes, that is a 1 with 12 zeroes after it ($1,000,000,000,000). But that is not the number one danger posed by rapidly rising interest rates either. Rather, the number one reason why rapidly rising interest rates could cause the entire global financial system to crash is because there are more than 441 TRILLION dollars' worth of interest rate derivatives sitting out there. This number comes directly from the Bank for International Settlements - the central bank of central banks. In other words, more than $441,000,000,000,000 has been bet on the movement of interest rates."
Preparation might appear to be a waste of time at this point but lack of preparation could be more costly. It's ridiculous to think that our political leaders will guide the world economies through the upcoming hard times. What they will do is aggravate the hard times ahead by following policies that benefit the political and financial elite at the expense of the middle class and the poorer classes.
When the going gets rough it is love not governments that will get us through. In the case of our current reality governments are not even going to be able to take care of themselves though they will try till the bitter end. The survival instinct runs deep in the psychology of governments even though they operate with suicidal objectives and sadist tendencies. Sounds crazy because it is!
I think control is going to slip through everyone's hands and for at least a time anarchy will rule or the army will rule. Historians will love what is coming for they will be able to write about it endlessly. Just try to image all the bank cash machines in the world stopping and start imagining from there. Like the science fiction movie 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' things could grind to a halt quite quickly. We are vulnerable as the present system/definition of money collapses taking away huge portions of the world's real economy with it.
Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)
Director International Medical Veritas Association
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine The Knowledge:
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Sunday, June 16, 2013
Fwd: Top Five Stories You May Have Missed
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Top Five Stories
You May Have MissedDear Moneynews Reader:
Here are the five top Moneynews stories from the past week that you may have missed:
- Rogers: Central Banks 'Must Stop Insanity of Money Printing'
Investor Jim Rogers said he's not optimistic on global stocks, given central bank stimulus measures are providing an "artificial" boost to prices. "Quantitative easing is going to end," Rogers, chairman of Singapore-based Rogers Holdings . . . Click Here.- Morici: President Obama Continues to Fail as CEO
President Obama is failing as CEO of the U.S. government, says macroeconomist Peter Morici. His appointment of Susan Rice to be his top national security adviser and other missteps indicate he views the fallout from recent scandals as a political challenge, rather than a management failure . . . Click Here.
Editor's Note: Will This Video Get Obama Fired? See the Evidence
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blankfein: Washington's Dysfunction 'Impedes' Economy
The inability of Democrats and Republicans in Washington to reach agreement on issues like the debt ceiling spells trouble for the economy, says Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein . . . Click Here.- Gorrie: 'China Headed for Economic Meltdown'
Author James Gorrie warns that rather than an emerging superpower, China looks more like it is on the verge of collapse. China is "facing a financial collapse that will dwarf what happened in 2008," he said . . . Click Here.- Former GOP Sen. Gregg: US Debt-to-GDP Ratio Is Exploding
The debt-to-GDP ratio in the U.S. is moving to dangerous levels seen in Europe, former Republican Senator Judd Gregg told Newsmax TV in an exclusive interview . . . Click Here.
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Fwd: Very dumb move by bolden/garver/bho ----such low intellect ----unbelievable !!
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Date: June 16, 2013 12:46:06 PM GMT-06:00
Subject: Very dumb move by bolden/garver/bho ----such low intellect ----unbelievable !!
Very dumb move now complete. Read to see extent of damage to USA space program!
On the Early Retirement of the Space Shuttle
File image.
by George W. Jeffs
for Launchspace
Bethesda MD (SPX) May 17, 2011
A Symbol: An in-space ballerina and hypersonic flying marvel, the Space Shuttle Orbiter is almost impossible for others to duplicate and continues to generate international admiration and respect for U.S. technical capabilities.
Full Potential Not Yet Realized: The multi-functional Orbiter has performed "as designed" on all assignments including reentry and a key role in the International Space Station (ISS) assembly. Like any new manned system, as crews and engineers become more familiar (like a helicopter) performance "in the box" improves and extending-the-box opportunities are identified. So far the Orbiter has operated generally within the box.
Too Young For Retirement: Each remaining Orbiter has many missions and years of life remaining. The Orbiter was designed for a one hundred mission life with a factor of four (i.e. 400 flight potential). It has experienced low flight rates and has not been structurally overloaded (maximum loads occur during the boost phase and high wind shear situations have been avoided through pre-flight meteorological observations) and receives a complete examination and any necessary refurbishment between each flight.
The System is Safe for Continued Man Flights: No critical failures have originated from within the triply redundant Orbiter itself but like any spacecraft designed for light-weight, it is vulnerable to abuse (e.g. SRB O rings, ET insulation debris); these are now known and addressable problems. The Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSME)s were my principal safety concern through the development years but their flight record has been excellent and it may be that the integrity of recovered, refurbished rocket engines is as good as or even better than new ones. Some rocket engine incipient failures may lie undetected in ocean graves.
Real Usability Through "Landing With Dignity": Turnaround man hours are costly for the Orbiter, not the least demanding being the heat shield preparation and changes are continually being made to improve the situation. Even so, this relatively light-weight, first generation radiant heat shield is itself reusable and obviates having to pay for a new vehicle and other ancillary costs such as ocean recovery for every flight. Note: In depth reviews of "flown" Apollo command modules concluded that second flights of the hardware would be too costly at that time.
New Space Initiatives Depend On The Orbiter For Identification and Pursuit: The on-orbit assembly option for a deep space manned system became more viable upon completion of the International Space Station (ISS) using the Orbiter. An "Orbiter" segment of a deep space system would be used in assembly activities, on-orbit transfers, tug functions and most importantly for the crew Earth-to-orbit and orbit-to-Earth transfer. Reliance on an Orbiter for re-entry would eliminate configuration constraints on size and shape and the weight of items such as parachutes, heat shields and landing impact structure and the energy needed to transport this otherwise useless added weight throughout the entire deep space mission. This approach essentially would trade-off these advantages against the development of an additional propulsion module for return from deep space to high/low Earth orbit. The present Orbiter would be a key mechanism in the early development of such an on-orbit assembled system.
The Shuttle Continues to Be An Intriguing Candidate For "Commercialization": The system is presently operational. Its payload-to-orbit delivery and other capabilities are well documented. Its risks are known and assessable for payload insurance and crew-safety considerations and industrial elements are already doing much of the work in many areas. Bailing, leasing and/or other type of agreement for use of government equipment (Orbiters, pads, control centers, etc.) is probably feasible in some arrangement. Needed is an industry, NASA-government, Congressional meeting of the minds on all related elements including government flight requirements, (e.g. ISS servicing) and commercial pricing policies. If such a government hand-off to industry could be affected it would, of course, keep the Shuttle Program available for another decade or two should presently unforeseen government needs arise (even today it would be most helpful to have Apollo supply and rescue vehicles that serviced Skylab available for use on the ISS).
U. S. Taxpayers Have Not Yet Realized Their Full Return-on-Investment (ROI) From the Shuttle System:
+ It really works; it is not just a briefing chart promise.
+ It has much life remaining and could be the key to the identification and development of new systems.
+ It is man-rated and safe–probably as safe as any manned system will be-no others will get over one hundred flights down the learning curve.
+ The infrastructure is in place and operational and has provided industry through extensive, hands-on participation with the depth of training necessary to assume total system accountability.
+ To replace the Orbiter capabilities will take decades and billions.
Decommissioning the Space Shuttle should be postponed indefinitely.
George W. Jeffs is the former President of Space and Energy Operations [including Shuttle Orbiter, Integration and Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs)] at Rockwell International. He is also the former President of the Space Division, North American Aviation-Rockwell International [including Apollo Command and Service Modules and the Space Shuttle Orbiter]. He is also a helicopter and fixed-wing pilot with multiengine and instrument ratings.
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Building a Heavenly Palace in outer space
Moscow, Russia (RIA Novosti) Apr 29, 2011
China's permanent space station, the Heavenly Palace, is to be launched into orbit within a decade. According to Chinese media reports, the 60-ton craft will include a central module and two laboratories, for a crew of three. So, it's really more like a country cottage than a palace. This all-Chinese project was unveiled earlier this week in the capital, Beijing. To the public at home, the … read more
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Saturday, June 15, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Romney on cavuto-----you can't print money forever---there will be consequence
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