Thursday, January 29, 2015

You can't print money forever!

In today's issue: The far-left just swept the Greek national election, and Dr. Savage isn't surprised. The Greek people aren't willing to give up the luxurious social programs they've enjoyed for generations. Neither are millions of Americans, Savage adds, which is why "we're going to have a worldwide depression." "Why did Greece elect a communist government?" Savage asked rhetorically. They've don't want to pay anything for the benefits and social programs they're getting, thanks to the Germans' hard work. Here in America, we're actually at about the same economic level as Greece, but you wouldn't know that. This is where the Democrats are taking us. History has shown us that no nation, no empire, is too large to escape the consequences when morons and thieves run their country. The way to turn this around is obvious: We need to cut social programs dramatically, cut taxes, slash regulation and re-introduce the laissez-faire capitalism that made this country great. But with so many lazy bums around the world not working, we are going to have a worldwide depression. There is no way around this mess. You cannot keep printing money the way Obama the communist does without eventually paying the piper. Obama and the world banks are penalizing the productive and rewarding the parasites. See Michael Savage's take on the latest news here.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A national disgrace!

In the face of impossible odds, people who love their country can change it.

The United States Space Program was an engine of our economy! 

Under the Obama Administration, NASA is waving the white flag as other countries forge ahead with plans for human lunar exploration and settlement. This is a national disgrace!

OBAMA has also outsourced human spaceflight to Russia! We now have no way to send American astronauts into space unless we pay Russia $70+ million per seat. Furthermore, the U.S. DoD must buy Russian engines (the RD-180) for our booster rockets to launch American satellites.

Support bipartisan legislation that sets NASA's focus on the Moon! Specifically, the REAL Space Act of 2013 directs NASA to plan to return to the Moon by 2022 and develop a sustained human presence there as a stepping stone for future exploration.

Support the REAL Space Act of 2013 and America's triumphant return to the Moon!

Link to Congressman Bill Posey's web site included below.…

Link to Congressman Bill Posey's bill is included below.



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